Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pancakes / Waffles

I don't really eat wheat a lot. I do have an intolerance, but not an allergy. But hey, my boyfriend sometimes craves pancakes or waffles on a Sunday morning, and ya know, I love making 'em. I will just suffer with the side affects later (lol).

One of these days I will make these with gluten-free flour. One of these days...when I stop being lazy.

Anyway, this recipe is super easy and absolutely delicious! You can't really go wrong.

I've used a bunch of flour combinations... 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 unbleached white flour... all whole wheat pastry flour... 1/2 whole wheat pastry flour and 1/2 unbleached white flour. It all works out in the end, but admittedly the best flavor comes from...

1/2 whole wheat pastry flour and 1/2 unbleached white flour!

Anyway, enough chatter! Let's get down to the business of making the easiest & tastiest pancakes ever!

(or waffles)

1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp canola oil
1/2 tsp sugar
1 cup water


Whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt. Add canola oil & sugar, then whisk together again. Add water, and whisk until very well blended. The batter will actually look "fluffy."

Fluffy batter!

Cooking - Pancakes version

Heat some canola oil on a griddle on a strong MEDIUM temperature. Make sure the oil is evenly distributed across the griddle's surface.

Add batter in 1/4 cup batches. Heat through till you start to see bubbles on the surface (about 2 minutes, maybe 3). Flip with a very smooth spatula. Heat again for the same amount of time. And... you're done!

Cooking - Waffles version

This recipe will make 2 belgian waffles! You need a waffle iron for this, of course. Add some oil to the surface, heat it up, and pour on the batter in 3/4 - 1 cup incriments. Heat on one side for 2 minutes, flip, and heat on the other side for another 2 minutes. Time it right, and they'll turn out perfectly every time.

Notes: Of course, serve these however you like. I do prefer a dab of vegan margarine and some maple syrup, but banana slices or jam are also really tasty options. Fruit in general is a great alternative to the traditional sugar-and-fat combo of maple syrup and margarine.

Alternately, you can add things to the batter - such as banana slices, pumpkin spices, etc - and cook with 'em. My boyfriend's favorite is the banana slices. I bet it would be good with chocolate chips... have fun expirimenting!!

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