Saturday, December 4, 2010

Butternut Squash Soup

This soup is SO easy and versatile. This is easily my favorite soup to make...and eat.

These are the main ingredients, chopped up!

Most traditional butternut squash soup is sweet. This is, too, but it's definitely more savoury. I don't add the traditional spices to it. Instead, I keep it really basic, and it's delicious this way, too.

Please feel free to see my notes section at the end if you want to add some traditional spices.

Butternut Squash Soup

1 Buttnernut squash (or 1/2 LARGE butternut squash...these things can get pretty huge) cubed
1 small onion, diced**
2 cloves garlic, sliced thin
2 cups veggie broth
1 1/2 tsp earth balance


Sautee diced garlic & onion in soup pot with earth balance until they become fragrant. Add diced squash. Mix & heat through.

Add veggie broth. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes with lid on the pot.

After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and place all soup contents in a high-speed blender. Slowly increase speed, and blend at highest speed for a minute or two. Make sure it's really smooth.

My little Cuisinart blender
That's it!

**Either red or yellow onions are good, of course. Red onion gives it a bolder flavor, while yellow is mellower and allows the squash flavor to be stronger.

Notes: It's not the traditional "sweet" butternut squash soup, but a butternut squash in its prime will taste naturally very sweet. If you want to add the sweetness commonly associated with this soup, add maybe 2 tablespoons of maple syrup and/or brown sugar, about 1/2 tsp each of cinnamon & nutmeg, with a pinch of allspice and/or clove to taste.

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