Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quick Pot Stickers

This should really be "quick and easy" potstickers because, well, that's what they are!

The fun thing about pot stickers is that you can get them in the frozen section of the grocery. They might not be as super healthy as making them yourself, but since I don't have the nimble fingers to make good potstickers myself, there's always a vegetable-only bag of frozen gyoza goodness in my freezer; and I've never seen a package of frozen veggie potstickers with egg in them, so hurray for vegan pot stickers!

Pot stickers are also called gyoza (the Japanese term for it).
The Trader Joe's "Thai Vegetable Gyoza" are my favorite brand, hands down!

But how do you make pot stickers? If you look n the back of one of those frozen bags, you'll find a variety of methods! There's on the stove, in the oven, steamed, microwaved...basically, if there's a will, there's a pot sticker!

My favorite method is 100% on the stove! There's no way you can do it wrong. But if you want to create the best flavor, you want to really know how to make it taste great...right??

These babies are frozen!!

For this quick dish, you'll need a frying pan with a lid, and pre-made rice.

(serves 1)

5 frozen potstickers
4 tsp mirin
2 tsp sake
3-4 tsp shoyu
1 tsp sesame oil
*1 green onion (optional but delicious topping)
*sesame seeds (optional topping)


Heat sesame oil in frying pan on medium heat. Wait a minute or 2 for the pan to heat up. Add the pot stickers (they should immediately start to sizzle lightly). Stir-fry these frozen pot stickers in the oil for 4 minutes flat.

Mix together the sauce made of mirin, sake, and shoyu. After the potstickers have been stir-fried for 4 minutes, pour the sauce into the pan and IMMEDIATELY put the lid on.

The vapors from the sauce will "steam" the potstickers. Leave the lid on and let them steam for about 4 more minutes, and no longer than 5.

Once done. turn off the heat. Pour the potstickers and sauce onto pre-made rice. Chop the green onion into thin dime-shaped slices, and sprinkle on top of the pot stickers. Add a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Eat and enjoy! See? I told you it was easy, and SO much tastier than eating them plain.

NOTES: To alter the flavor slightly, use different oils for sauteeing the pot stickers. I use sesame oil the most, but I've also used homemade roasted garlic olive oil and hot chili oil with FANTASTIC results. Remember, a little oil goes a long way!

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