Monday, March 21, 2011

13 Bean Soup with a hint of Chili

13 Bean Soup with a hint of Chili!

Spring has finally come to Chicagoland, and we've been sick the past week (lol). Of course, this sort of thing is bound to happen. But that also means that we need to go back to our winter soups. And what a soup I have for you today!

Bob's Red Mill makes some of the best vegan, organic, whole grain, etc products I've ever had. Their 13 Bean Soup mix is no exception! I guess... all it is is 13 different types of beans, peas, and lentils. Basically, everything that makes a hearty soup, but needs a lot of prep time. Oh, and this is grain free. No barley, rice, or other things. For $5, this will make 2 full soups... about 10 or so meals. So it's worth every penny.

When we were sick, I made homemade vegetable broth. It's so easy! I took the recipe I did last year & added 3 small potatoes to the mix. (You can mash the potatoes when you're done cooking the broth, hehe). It creates a heartier broth, which is really really good if you're down with the flu! The leftovers of this broth is what I used for making this delicious concoction.

And you know what the best part about this thing is? I get to use my crockpot! I'm willing to bet that I could've thrown all these ingredients together into the crockpot & let it boil itself to perfection without all of the extra steps, but I felt like complicating things. Besides, it turned out great, so it's OK!

13 Bean Soup
with a hint of Chili

2 Cups Bob's Red Mill 13-Bean Soup Mix
5-6 cups vegetable broth
1 regular size can of diced tomatoes or tomato sauce
1 small yellow onion, diced
6 cloves of garlic, diced
salt & pepper to taste
1 heaping tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cayenne powder

Wash & soak 2 cups of beans overnight (6-8 hours). They should at least double in size. Once ready, cook as you see fit, but use the vegetable broth for cooking instead of plain water. I prefer to use a crockpot, since I have one.

Once you have cooked beans, set aside. DO NOT DRAIN THE BEAN BROTH! Because it is vegetable broth & you have cooked beans in it, most of your nutrients are going to come from this... besides, it tastes delicious.

Add some oil to the bottom of a large frying pan & sautee onion & garlic until just translucent. Add salt & pepper. Toss in the tomatoes, and mix until hot.Add beans & broth to the sautee. Mix well.

Add your chili powder & cayenne now. If you want a stronger chili flavor or heat, add more chili powder and/or cayenne accordingly to taste.

Take off of heat & enjoy your bowl of soup!!

Notes: For a thicker soup, use less broth when cooking the beans, but remember to use enough broth so that it doesn't evaporate!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Miso-Glaze Dip & Raw Asian-Inspired Veggie Patties

What a title, right? Yessss, and prepping this recipe can take some time, but it's SO worth it.

I'm on a raw kick lately. Why? After doing a lot of research, a balanced raw vegan diet is the healthiest diet I've ever found, and it's SO delicious. When I eat cooked food, most of the time I crave raw food soon afterword. (Lately it's been orange juice... mmm, freshly juiced oranges...) Most of the time on raw it's best to be as simple as possible (salad, slaw, fruit smoothies), but once in a while you just have to go all out and make something extreme.

This is my raw extreme (lol). Well, to be sure it's not 100% raw, but it's pretty dang close. It could easily be made completely raw, given you have raw versions of some of these ingredients. I was lucky enough to find myself some raw/unpasteurized miso at the local Japanese grocery the other day. It's SO yummy.

Am I the only person in the whole world who thinks miso on its own is tasty? Hmm... maybe?

Well, if you like asian fusion cuisine, you'll really enjoy this meal. However, if you're scared of sodium, then stay away. This recipe has so much sodium it'll knock your socks off.


1 tbsp white miso
1 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp shoyu / tamari /or nama shoyu
1/8 tsp sesame oil

Directions: Put ingredients into a small container. Take a whisk & blend by hand until smooth.


**This requires a dehydrator, but you can use this recipe as a Pâté if you don't have a dehydrator... I have done so before A LOT and it's delicious!**

1/2 cup walnuts
3-4 carrots, diced
3-4 sticks celery, diced
1 medium yellow onion, diced
1/3 cup raisins, soaked & drained (to make them soft)
1/4 cup cut wakame (a type of seaweed)
sea salt & pepper to taste
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar / lemon / or rice vinegar

Directions: Throw ingredients into a food processor. Blend well, until it becomes like a Pâté. If you have a dehydrator, heat it to about 110 degrees F or so. Form Pâté into patties & allow to dry over 8 hours or so. Yes, it takes FOREVER. :) If NOT using a dehydrator, then don't even worry about it. Just go to the next step...


Sushi Nori (seaweed wrappers for sushi)
Butter Lettuce (or other leafy greens)

Dice the sushi nori in half or in thirds, depending on how much you like the taste of seaweed. Add 2 leaves of butter lettuce onto the seaweed. Place about 2 tbsp of veggie Pâté / 1 pattie on one end of the nori. Fold in half. Dip in the sauce. Consume & enjoy.

Notes: If you want to cut back on the seaweed flavor, remove the wakame from the Pâté/Pattie recipe. After removing the wakame, you can alter the recipe to make different flavors. For example, add some fennel to make it taste a little like a "sausage" pattie. Add some Provencal herbs to make it taste more, I dunno, French, and add some sun-dried tomatoes for an Italian flair. Add curry powder or garam masala & make an Indian pattie. Add chile powder for a taste of the southwest. It's an extremely versatile recipe! I don't remember where I first discovered it, but it's one of my favorite recipes to mess with. You can even use it as a chip-dip!!

Orange-Miso Slaw

This is a slaw. This is the sort of thing I eat for lunch at work. It's not beautiful, but it's delicious, filling, and super low in calories. Wanna know how I made it?

It's a secret.

...Hah, no way! It's just that it's indescribably easy! Get a bag of Trader Joe's organic shredded carrot & broccoli stems ($2.00 - or slice your own veggies nice and thin), add some onion, and some of Ani Phyo's delicious Orange-Miso sauce, and... Voila! Simple perfection!

When I found the recipe in the book Ani's Raw Food Kitchen, I had all of the ingredients handy but expected it to taste too sweet. Thankfully, that wasn't the case at all. The Orange-Miso glaze is the perfect combination of savory-sweet. Try it, and you won't be disappointed.

(makes 3 servings)

How to make the slaw:
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1 clove garlic, diced
1 bag Trader Joe's Organic Shredded Carrots & Broccoli Stems (feel free to replace with shredded veggies of your choice, but I prefer this)

Instructions: Combine ingredients well. Divide into 3 portions.

How to make the Orange-Miso Sauce:
2 Tbsp White Miso
1 peeled orange
1/3 cup Olive Oil
1 tbsp grated fresh ginger (or 1/2 tsp powdered)
1 clove garlic

Instructions: Toss ingredients into a blender. Blend well, until smooth.

Divide sauce into 3 portions, and add to the slaw. Allow it to marinade overnight. Will last a few days in the fridge.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Celery-Chickpea Salad

So it's been a while... I've been on a recipe slump, since it's been January in Chicagoland & today's a record-breaking blizzard... But I made a great health decision & decided to go back to salads for the new year! I've been making various salads like crazy, and loving them. Now, I used to hate salad because I have never been a fan of leafy greens. Yes, I eat a green salad every day for lunch (typically with kale... mmmm, kale...) Kale is one leafy green I actually like.

But green, leafy salads get boring fast. What I like is some variety! I enjoy a leafy-green-free salad for dinner... perhaps it's actually called a Slaw, like coleslaw. Whatever. It's delicious, low fat, and filling!

Celery-Chickpea Salad

3/4 cup Chickpeas
3/4 -1 cup chopped celery
1 medium carrot, sliced in thin rounds
1/3 small yellow onion, diced tiny
1 -2 clove(s) garlic, diced tiny
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp agave nectar or maple syrup
1/2 tsp dill (dried)
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)

Mix well. Refrigerate overnight, or for at least an hour. It is delicious after marinading!

Note: If you're on a totally raw diet, replace the chickpeas with crushed walnuts!